Complete all applicable information, print and fax this form to 615-595-6903
TAT Privacy
Please Indicate How You Want to Receive Information: (place an "x" in one of the four selections).
Email____ US Mail_____ Fax___ or Telephone___ Date_____________ Time______________
Mailing Address______________________________________________________________
EMail Address: ________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: (______)_________________________ Fax Number: (______)______________________________
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) - (17 digits on most vehicles) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (located on the left upper instrument panel -dash- and visible from outside the vehicle looking thru the windshield)
Year:______ Make:_____________________ Model:____________________
Engine Size:______________Transmission Type: Automatic:_____ Manual:_____
Fuel System: ( fuel injected, carbureted, diesel, etc. )________________ Air Conditioning: (Y/N)__
Optional Information (if necessary):________________________________________
Please send me information for:
Price for the Email, US Mail, and fax service is $21.00 per vehicle. This includes research and documents up to 10 pages. Each additional page will cost $1.75. A shipping and handling charge of $1.00 will be added to the US Mail cost.
Please contact me if the cost will be more than $_________________.
The price for live telephone information is $3.50 per minute. Just call 1-800-636-6414 or 615-595-6974 Monday-Friday, 7AM-7PM CST. Have your credit card # number available.
American Express/Visa/MC/Discover#: ______________________________ Secure Card Number ______
Expiration Date: Month____________ Year___________
Billing address if different from shipping address: ______________________________
City _____________________ State ___ Postal Code/Zip ________
Fax form to: (615) 595-6903.